Desi nu exista o statistica oficiala, simtul comun ne spune ca dupa iubire si dragoste, urmatoarea tema preferata a formatiilor muzicale, indiferent ca sunt rock, pop, R & B, etc, sunt banii. Cateva dintre melodiile cu aceasta tema au ajuns hituri cunoscute in toata lumea, de toate generatiile. Iata doar o mica parte a lor:
Money , Liza Minelli and Joel Grey
Money, Pink Floyd
Ka-ching!, Shania Twain
Money Talks, AC/DC
Money for nothing, Dire Straits
Money, Money, Money, Abba
Can't buy me love, The Beatles
Janis Joplin - Mercedes Benz
Money`s Too Tight To Mention, Simply Red
Money changes everything, Cyndi Lauper (1984)
Lost ones, Lauryn Hill (1999)
Money Can't Buy, Annie Lennox
Money honey, Elvis Presley (1956)
Money (That's what I want), Barrett Strong (1959)
Mo' Money Mo' Problems, Notorious B.I.G.
George Trifu